I made some little girl socks and ended up running them on ebay 3 times before giving them to our neighbors as a thank you for helping me with my garden.
I made these socks and gave them to the local thrift shop that gives its proceeds to a battered women's shelter
Then I made this kitchen set, but didn't even attempt to sell it. It went to our other neighbor that brought over bar-b-que for Easter, as a thank you.
Oh well. At least they went to good use and I really enjoyed the knitting and crocheting.
My latest issues with fibro have been all about headaches. I cut out all caffine in the last couple months and I'm really having issues with the headaches and the fibro fog. I'm going to have to start job hunting to make ends meet and I'm concerned how it will play out. My disability check isn't stretching the entire month and I've had to ask for help for groceries so I need to do something to bring in more income. I finally asked for help at church and am talking to a lady in charge of employment. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can get a good part time job I can do with my disabilities and take care of the financial issue on my own.