This has been keeping me pretty busy which is good because things around the house have been hectic and I use my knitting to stay sane. My fibro issues have been up and down. I have short flares interspersed with times where my energy is up and I'm doing better. I received a new cpap machine from my doctor and that is helping some, but I'm having battles with Social Security and medicaid and that causes some stress. Our roommates are moving next week and it also causes some stress.
My other news is that I'm working on spiritual issues and we're trying to "get green" at our place. I started making a lot of my own cleaning and hygiene products and we went vegetarian a couple months ago. The change in diet has improved my diabetes and I'm getting used to it and finding it helps with my energy levels as well. I was already walking on the treadmill regularly so now I'm actually losing a little weight. All of that helps my fibro pain. I'll keep posting sock pictures as I make them.